Quality of Advice Review

The Quality of Advice Review has changed the landscape for financial advisers in Australia.

In this section, our technical team explores the latest updates and implications. Whether you’re looking for a clear understanding of regulatory changes, strategies for compliance or insights into how they affect your business, you’ll find helpful resources here. 

Information for advice professionals only.

05 Jul 2024
In this year’s BT Adviser Sentiment Index, we spotlight the topics that matter to our adviser community, including QAR and cyber security.
05 Jun 2024
Regulations, Education And Legislation. As we approach the mid point of 2024, this session will focus on the current regulatory environment facing financial advisers.

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09 May 2024
We are at an exciting point in the evolution of advice. Over the past ten years, difficult but sometimes necessary reforms have been implemented.
Technical resource
19 Apr 2024
Not a quirk, but a quark – a fundamental constituent of matter. And in this case, what matters is getting the Quality of Advice Review legislation correct. In this podcast we look at the first tranche of the quality of advice review measures that has hit parliament in the form of a Bill.
19 Apr 2024
A lot has been discussed in the first quarter of 2024. There have been discussions on the Quality of Advice Review, adjustments to tax cuts and changes to contribution caps.
09 Feb 2024
In pursuit of perfection, is 2024 the year to make a real difference – both for clients and for advisers? Five years on from the final report of the Financial Services Royal Commission,
18 Jul 2023
On 13 June 2023, the Federal Government formally responded to the Final Report of the Quality of Advice Review, which was finalised in December 2022 and released publicly in February 2023.
16 Jun 2023
On 13 June 2023, the Federal Government formally responded to the Final Report of the Quality of Advice Review. In this podcast, we look at the Government’s response and what this means for advisers and the way advice may be delivered into the future.
29 Mar 2023
In the wake of the Final Report from the Quality of Advice Review, Matt Rady, CEO at BT, outlines why its incumbent on the industry to work together to push for meaningful reforms to financial advice to help people build a better financial future.