Product Disclosure Statements

Product Disclosure Statements, product updates, and disclosure notices

We may update the information in Product Disclosure Statements (PDSs) or change a product

  • If the change to the information in the Product Disclosure Statement is materially adverse, we will issue a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement. These are available through the "Download" links below.

  • Product updates and Disclosure Notices
    We may also become aware of information that is not generally available but if it were generally available, would reasonably be expected to have a material effect on the price or value of interests in a managed fund. Such information will be included in a disclosure notice. Other product updates such as fund or benchmark changes are also available here.

Tar­get Mar­ket De­ter­mi­na­tions 

Target Market Determinations for these products are available at​tmd

Managed funds

BT Investment Funds (includes BT Cash Management Trust)

Target Market Determinations for these products are available at​tmd

BT Classic Investment Funds

BT Global Share Fund

BT Investor Choice Funds (includes BT Investor Choice Cash Management Trust)

Target Market Determination(s) are available at​tmd

BT Balanced Deeming Fund

Financial Services Guide

BT Funds Management Limited &
BT Funds Management No.2 Limited &
Westpac Financial Services Ltd.

Superannuation: Personal and Retirement

BT Super for Life

This product is now closed. BT Super merged into the Mercer Super Trust on 1 April 2023, and all BT Super for Life accounts were transferred to Mercer Super on that date.

Financial Services Guide

BT Funds Management Limited &
BT Funds Management No.2 Limited &
Westpac Financial Services Ltd.

Superannuation: Employer

BT Super

This product is now closed. BT Super merged into the Mercer Super Trust on 1 April 2023, and all BT Super accounts were transferred to Mercer Super on that date.

Margin lending

Important update

The BT Margin Loan is now the Westpac Margin Loan.

If you held a BT Margin Loan, we would have already contacted you about this rebrand, so you can be reassured there are no changes to the terms, conditions, and features of your Margin Loan.

For more information, please call Westpac Margin Lending on 1800 816 222, Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm (Sydney time) or visit the Westpac Margin Lending website.


BT Protection Plans

Important Notice

On 1 August 2022, the sale of Westpac Life Insurance Services Limited ABN 31 003 149 157 AFSL 233728 to TAL Dai-ichi Life Australia Limited ABN 97 150 070 483 (“TAL”) completed, and Westpac Life Insurance Services Limited changed its name to TAL Life Insurance Services Limited (“TLISL”).

We would like to reassure you that no changes to the terms, conditions, and features of your existing policy occurred as a result of the sale. More information.

Other disclosure documents

In addition to PDSs and FSGs, this website also contains other disclosure documents such as brochures and annual reports.

Target Market Determination(s) are available at​tmd

What is a Product Disclosure Statement?

A Product Disclosure Statement or PDS is a document (or sometimes a group of documents) that contains information about a financial product, including any significant benefits and risks, the cost of the financial product and the fees and charges that the financial product issuer may receive.

A Financial Services Guide or FSG describes the financial services offered by, and important information about, a financial services licensee.

This page provides you with electronic access to the PDSs for financial products and services that are identified on this website and that are issued by entities within the BT Financial Group of companies, together with electronic access to the FSGs for these entities.