A world of investment choice

  • Buy and sell investments online, without the paperwork

  • Track your SMSF portfolio and performance with a simple online dashboard

  • Get market updates related to your listed securities, the latest company information and fund fact sheets

  • Save time at EOFY with an online document library, contributions and pensions tracking and optional accountant access

Ready to get started

If you're ready to get started you can apply online in about 10 minutes.  Call 1300 554 267 with any questions or request a callback

Compact Menu

What's included

  • Bank account
    An integrated BT Cash Management Account (BT CMA)

  • Term deposits
    A range of Westpac term deposits

  • Managed funds
    A range of professionally managed funds
    Select list of managed funds

Full Menu

What's included

  • Bank account
    An integrated BT Cash Management Account (BT CMA)

  • Term deposits
    A range of Westpac term deposits

  • Managed funds
    A range of professionally managed funds
    Access to 550+ managed funds
    See full list of funds (PDF)

  • Australian listed securities
    Access to over 3,000 ASX listed securities, including:

    • Australian shares
    • Hybrid securities
    • Interests in exchange traded funds (ETFs)
    • Interests in property/investment trusts

Your Panorama Investments account includes an integrated bank account – the BT Cash Management Account (BT CMA). It’s the engine of your SMSF – helping you manage your transactions and keep track of your SMSF.

Key Features

  • Transactions made easy
    It’s easy to transact on your PC, tablet or smartphone. Receive income, schedule payments and pay bills by BPAY® or electronic funds transfer.

  • Track contributions and pensions
    It’s simple to categorise your SMSF cash transactions and keep track

  • Save time at end of financial year
    If you want, you can give your accountant access to view your SMSF’s transactions. It helps make tax time easier.

Available on

  • Full menu

  • Compact menu

Receive contributions and income

  • Super contributions

  • Rollovers from other super accounts

  • Interest on term deposits

  • Interest earned on cash

  • Dividends from shares

  • Distributions earned on managed funds

  • Rental income

Make payments

  • Asset purchases

  • Pensions

  • Member benefits payments

  • Taxes

  • Fees and expenses

Lock in certainty with a choice of Westpac term deposits which offer a variety of terms and interest payment frequencies.

Key Features

  • Flex­i­bil­ity
    With a minimum investment of $5,000, you can choose from a range of terms from 1 month to 5 years.

  • Cer­tainty
    A fixed interest rate that can give you a known rate of return.

  • Ease
    Apply for, manage and reinvest term deposits online, with simple options on maturity.

Available on

  • Full menu

  • Compact menu

Build your own portfolio with access to thousands of Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) listed securities. Trade a wide range of shares, hybrids, exchange traded funds (ETFs), property trusts and investment trusts.

Key Features

  • Easy corporate actions
    Manage corporate actions online so you can participate in investor schemes, such as a rights issue or buyback related to your SMSF’s shareholdings.

  • Personalised market news
    Be in the know with access to market updates and stock research, customised to your SMSF’s portfolio.

Available on

  • Full menu ONLY

Diversify your portfolio with access to a range of managed funds across different sectors and markets.

Key Features

  • Di­ver­si­fi­ca­tion
    Choose from a range of diversified (eg growth, balanced) and sector options (eg international shares, fixed interest, property).

  • Professionally managed
    The peace of mind of professional management with access to most of Australia’s leading fund managers – all in one place.

  • International exposure
    An easy way to get some exposure to international markets at a global, regional or country level.

Available on

Managed portfolios give you the peace of mind of professional management with some of the benefits of direct ownership.

Key Features

  • Professionally managed
    If you’re looking to invest in new markets or sectors, a professionally managed portfolio can get you started with confidence.

  • Know where you’re invested
    See exactly which shares, ETFs and managed funds you are invested in and how much is invested in each.

  • Exclusive to BT
    Exclusive access to a range of professionally managed portfolios, only available through BT Panorama.

Available on

  • Full menu 
    Full range of portfolios available

  • Compact menu
    Select range of portfolios

Additional information

#Effective 1 April 2020 and until further notice, the transaction account balance will be temporarily excluded from the calculation of the administration fee payable on the transaction account portion of account.

BT Portfolio Services Ltd ABN 73 095 055 208 AFSL 233715 (BTPS) is the operator of Panorama Investments. Westpac Financial Services Ltd ABN 20 000 241 127 AFSL 233716 (WFSL) is the responsible entity and issuer of interests in BT Managed Portfolios. Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714 (Westpac) is the issuer of the BT Cash Management Account (BT CMA) (together, the Panorama products).

This information does not take account of your individual objectives, financial situation and needs. A Product Disclosure Statement or other disclosure document (PDS) for the Panorama products can be obtained by contacting BT on 1300 881 716 or by visiting www.bt.com.au. You should obtain and consider the relevant PDS before deciding whether to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of the Panorama products.

BTPS and WFSL are subsidiaries of Westpac. Apart from any interest investors may have in Westpac term deposits, Westpac securities or the BT CMA through the Panorama products, the Panorama products are not a deposit with, investment in, or any other liability of Westpac or any other company in the Westpac Group. These investments are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment of withdrawal proceeds and loss of income and principal invested. Westpac and its related entities do not stand behind or otherwise guarantee the capital value or investment performance of the Panorama products.

For the Target Market Determination for these products please refer to www.bt.com.au/tmd.