Retirement calculators

Make the most of your super with our range of easy-to-use online tools and calculators – each designed to help you plan for today, and prepare you for the future.

Even if you don’t plan to retire until you may be eligible for the Age Pension – there are small steps you can take now to secure your future after work.
Article - 2 min read
It could be fair to say that many Australians aspire to at least a "comfortable" retirement. Do you know what annual income would provide “comfort” by your standards?
Article - 2 min read
Retirement marks a pivotal shift in your financial management – from focusing on earning and saving money to utilising your savings to support your income needs.
Article - 2 min read
Whether you choose to gradually cut down your working week, or transition into retirement, one of the challenges faced by retirees is how to plan for the change.
Article - 2 min read
As you approach retirement, you’ll be thinking about how to protect your nest egg. Here are five things to consider if you’re planning to retire this year.
Article - 2 min read
Whatever your vision of retirement is, making the most of your retirement years is certainly something worth planning for.
Article - 2 min read

Not sure if your super will last the distance in your retirement? Our Super and Retirement Calculator may provide a guide on what income you might have in retirement and how long it might last.

A comfortable lifestyle means different things to different people. Use our calculator to learn more about how much the retirement lifestyle you have in mind might cost.

While saving for retirement can seem somewhat daunting, there are a few simple strategies to use when planning your best financial future. Here’s how to get started today, to enjoy an even more rewarding tomorrow.  

Article - 2 min read

Watch Susan reflect on her successful career change and how becoming mortgage free has helped set herself up for the future she’s always wanted.

Article - 2 min read

While saving for retirement can seem somewhat daunting, there are a few simple strategies to use when planning your best financial future. 

Article - 2 min read
Did you know that you could consider investing the proceeds of the sale of your family home to your super – depending on your age and circumstances – as a downsizer contribution?
Article - 2 min read
Learn about how a Transition to Retirement pension could work for you, and the most recent changes to tax rules which may affect you.
Article - 2 min read

While saving for retirement can seem somewhat daunting, there are a few simple strategies to use when planning your best financial future. 

Article - 2 min read

How do you make sure your hard-earned retirement savings last? There are a range of steps you can take, before and after retiring, to make the most of your retirement income.

Article - 2 min read

How do you make sure your hard-earned retirement savings last? There are a range of steps you can take, before and after retiring, to make the most of your retirement income.

Article - 2 min read

How do you make sure your hard-earned retirement savings last? There are a range of steps you can take, before and after retiring, to make the most of your retirement income.

Article - 2 min read
You’re over age 60, you’ve retired and decided to convert your superannuation into an account-based pension - giving you a regular tax-free income.
Article - 2 min read
There are many benefits to receiving a pension or even a part pension, but there are limits to the level of income or assets you can have to be eligible.
Article - 2 min read
Retirement is a significant milestone and marks the beginning of a time filled with potential for personal growth, relaxation, and the pursuit of long-held interests.
Article - 2 min read
Fully embracing the opportunities of retirement means maintaining good mental and physical health.
Article - 2 min read
Superannuation may be a ubiquitous part of the Australian retirement landscape but its role in an individual’s retirement is profoundly personal.
Article - 2 min read
It can be all too easy to avoid estate planning. No one likes to think about death, complicated family relationships can make planning tricky, and it can be distressing to contemplate a time when others control all you have worked for.
Article - 2 min read
Retirement is a significant milestone and marks the beginning of a time filled with potential for personal growth, relaxation, and the pursuit of long-held interests.
Article - 2 min read
As we age, the possibility of requiring aged care services becomes an increasingly important consideration and one that you need to prepare for financially.
Article - 2 min read

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Additional information

This information is current as at 1 July 2024.

This information has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of this you should, before acting on this information, consider its appropriateness, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.

This information provides an overview or summary only and it should not be considered a comprehensive statement on any matter or relied upon as such.