Investing involves selecting assets that can work for you to provide additional income and potential capital growth to help grow your wealth.
Goals give us something to work towards – a blueprint for the future. Discover the different sorts of investment-related goals you might consider working towards.
All investments involve some degree of risk. The key is to select investments that have a level of risk you are comfortable with.
Spreading your money across a number of different investments has the potential to reduce risk.
Fixed interest investments like government bonds can offer the potential to earn higher returns than cash.
We explain some potential downsides of investing and the steps you can take to help manage or possibly avoid them.
BT Invest is a new way to invest your money, how you want, when you want. Pick from one of our 5 ready-made managed portfolios, or you can choose the build your own portfolio option and select from over 50 managed funds, 7 managed portfolios or 15 term deposits.
Expert support
Choice and control over your investments
Integrated with your banking
BT Portfolio Services Ltd ABN 73 095 055 208 AFSL 233715 (BTPS) is the operator of BT Invest. Westpac Financial Services Ltd ABN 20 000 241 127 AFSL 233716 (WFSL) is the responsible entity and issuer of interests in BT Managed Portfolios. Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714 (Westpac) is the issuer of the BT Invest Cash Management Account (BT Invest CMA) (together, the BT Invest products).
This information does not take account of your individual objectives, financial situation and needs. A Product Disclosure Statement or other disclosure document (PDS) for the BT Invest products can be obtained by contacting BT on 1300 881 716 or by visiting You should obtain and consider the relevant PDS before deciding whether to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of the BT Invest products.
BTPS and WFSL are subsidiaries of Westpac. Apart from any interest investors may have in Westpac term deposits, Westpac securities or the BT Invest CMA through the BT Invest products, the BT Invest products are not a deposit with, investment in, or any other liability of Westpac or any other company in the Westpac Group. These investments are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment of withdrawal proceeds and loss of income and principal invested. Westpac and its related entities do not stand behind or otherwise guarantee the capital value or investment performance of the BT Invest products.