Decide how your super is invested
Invest your superannuation in Australian shares, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), managed funds and more – all online. You choose how every dollar is invested from the start. View investment options1.
Choose how involved you’d like to be
Manage your own investments, or if you’d like a bit of help, choose from a wide range of professionally managed funds or portfolios. You can create your own mix.
Track your performance at any time
View your super investments in one place with one convenient dashboard and reports that give you clear visibility of your super investments.
Know what you’re paying for
Get a clear and comprehensive fee breakdown and a detailed transaction history of your super investments.
The following administration fees apply to your account:
$540 pa + 0.15% pa of your total balance up to $1 million (capped)*
Note: Effective 1 April 2020 and until further notice, the transaction account balance will be temporarily excluded from the calculation of the administration fee payable on the transaction account portion of account.
Plus expense recovery^:
Up to $95 pa + 0.03% pa of your total balance
In addition, and depending on your investment choices, the following fees and costs may apply:
Term Deposits
Trading shares & ETFs
$12.50 per trade, or 0.11% of the transaction value (if greater)
0.04% pa to 1.76% pa (charged by the manager)
Managed funds
0.18% pa to 1.73% pa (charged by the fund manager)
Managed portfolios
0.34% pa to 1.16% pa (charged by the issuer)
# Other fees, costs and charges may apply to your BT Super Invest account, such as a transaction account fee and transaction costs eg buy/sell spread. For further details, please refer to the PDS.
Other management, transactional and operational costs may apply to an ETF, managed fund or managed portfolio option. For further details, please refer to the relevant disclosure document(s) for the ETF, managed fund or managed portfolio option.
Current as at 18 February 2019. Fees and costs are subject to change.
* Nil on balances over $1 million.
^ The exact amount deducted will be confirmed in your annual statement.
If you're ready to get started you can apply online in about 10 minutes.
Product Disclosure Statement - PDS (PDF 5.9 MB)
Additional Information Booklet (PDF 834 KB)
Investment Options Booklet (PDF 1.6MB)
Panorama Financial Services Guide - FSG (PDF 330 KB)
Letter of compliance (102 KB)
BT Managed Portfolios Proxy Voting Record (PDF 350 KB)
Choice of Super Fund (PDF 141KB)
Severe financial hardship claim form (PDF 890 KB)
Compassionate grounds form (PDF 409 KB)
1 Current as at 26 June 2024. Investment options are subject to change.
BT Funds Management Limited ABN 63 002 916 458 AFSL 233724 RSE Licensee L0001090 (BTFM) is the trustee and issuer of BT Super Invest, part of Asgard Independence Plan Division Two ABN 90 194 410 365. Westpac Financial Services Ltd ABN 20 000 241 127 AFSL 233716 (WFSL) is the responsible entity and issuer of interests in BT Managed Portfolios (together, the BT Super Invest products).
This information does not take account of your individual objectives, financial situation and needs. A Product Disclosure Statement or other disclosure document (PDS) for the BT Super Invest products can be obtained by contacting BT on 1300 881 716 or by visiting You should obtain and consider the relevant PDS before deciding whether to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of the BT Super Invest products.
BTFM and WFSL are subsidiaries of Westpac. Apart from any interest investors may have in underlying Westpac bank accounts, Westpac term deposit products or Westpac securities through BT Super Invest, the BT Super Invest products are not an investment in, deposit with or any other liability of Westpac or any other company in the Westpac Group. These investments are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment of withdrawal proceeds and loss of income and principal invested. Westpac and its related entities do not stand behind or otherwise guarantee the capital value or investment performance of the BT Super Invest products.
For the Target Market Determination for these products please refer to