Important notices

BT Annual Statements. For information on when to expect your statements for the 2023-2024 financial year, please visit our ‘Statement dates and FAQs’ page.

Learn about investments

To invest successfully, it is important to understand how investing works so that you can make the choices that are right for you.

We explain how to manage your portfolio through a process known as ‘rebalancing’ so that it continues to reflect your goals and your comfort with risk.
Online solutions can help you deal with the administration tasks associated with managing a portfolio of investments by keeping them, and the associated reporting, all in the one place.

We offer a range of investment solutions to help you build, manage, or grow your own portfolio.

As part of the Westpac Group, BT clients have access to Westpac Share Trading: a flexible way to trade shares. 

BT can help you make the most of your money by using gearing to leverage your equities exposure.

If you’re new to investing but don’t know where to start you can choose from one of five expertly selected, ready-made managed portfolios, each with a varying risk and asset allocation.  You simply choose the portfolio and we’ll do the rest.

  • Choose from five ready-made managed portfolios - monitored for you by investment experts
  • View your portfolio side by side with your online banking
  • Make tax time easy with simple tax reporting

You can build your own portfolio from a selected range of investment choices. From shares, managed funds, managed portfolios and term deposits – you can choose what you want all from one place.

  • Track performance across your portfolio with real time online reporting and one easy login
  • View and manage all your investments in one place, side by side with your online banking
  • Save time on your tax with a consolidated tax statement

We have a range of investment solutions to meet your needs

Find the support, product disclosure statements, and forms you need to grow and manage your BT investments.

For help changing contact details, establishing a regular investment plan, using Bpay, providing a TFN and much more. 

Prices and performance information for BT financial products - unit prices, distributions, management costs and fund performance.