All product disclosure statements, updates and disclosure notices for BT superannuation and investment products.
View and download the latest Annual Member Outcomes Assessments for BT's range of superannuation products.
Find all the product disclosure statements, updates and disclosure notices for BT superannuation and investment products.
We may update the information in Product Disclosure Statements (PDSs) or change a product.
If the change to the information in the Product Disclosure Statement is materially adverse, we will issue a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement and notify you as required by law.
We may also become aware of information that is not generally available but if it were generally available, would reasonably be expected to have a material effect on the price or value of interests in a managed fund. Such information will be included in a disclosure notice. Other product updates such as fund or benchmark changes may also be available.
A Product Disclosure Statement or PDS is a document (or sometimes a group of documents) that contains information about a financial product, including any significant benefits and risks, the cost of the financial product and the fees and charges that the financial product issuer may receive.
A Financial Services Guide or FSG describes the financial services offered by, and important information about, a financial services licensee.
Target Market Determinations for these products are available at
Target Market Determination(s) are available at
These are available from the investment options page, there is a separate PDS and product update (where issued) for each fund.
Product Disclosure Statement - PDS (PDF 146 KB)
This product is now closed. BT Super merged into the Mercer Super Trust on 1 April 2023, and all BT Super for Life accounts were transferred to Mercer Super on that date.
Financial Services Guide - FSG (PDF 146 KB)
This product is now closed. BT Super merged into the Mercer Super Trust on 1 April 2023, and all BT Super accounts were transferred to Mercer Super on that date.
Target Market Determination(s) are available at
Important Notice
On 1 August 2022, the sale of Westpac Life Insurance Services Limited ABN 31 003 149 157 AFSL 233728 to TAL Dai-ichi Life Australia Limited ABN 97 150 070 483 (“TAL”) completed, and Westpac Life Insurance Services Limited changed its name to TAL Life Insurance Services Limited (“TLISL”).
We would like to reassure you that no changes to the terms, conditions, and features of your existing policy occurred as a result of the sale. More information.
Target Market Determination(s) are available at
In addition to PDSs and FSGs, this website also contains other disclosure documents such as brochures and annual reports.
Annual Members' Meeting - BT
Annual Members' Meeting - Asgard
Annual Members' Meeting - BT
Annual Members' Meeting - Asgard
Annual Members' Meeting - BT
Annual Members' Meeting - Asgard
Annual Members' Meeting - BT
Annual Members' Meeting - Asgard
View and download the latest annual reports or financial statements for BT's range of superannuation products.
Financial Year ended June 30 2023
View and download the latest Annual Member Outcomes Assessments for BT's range of superannuation products.
Financial Year ended June 30 2023
Financial Year ended June 30 2023
Financial Year ended June 30 2023
Financial Year ended June 30 2023
Financial Year ended June 30 2023