Make your money work harder

There is a range of strategies available that can help you get more from your investments, and potentially reach your goals sooner.

Be prepared to separate fact from fiction. Learn more about some important truths to keep in mind.

If it looks too good to be true it probably is. Know the warning signs of scams and fake investment schemes.

To discover how BT can help you manage your portfolio of investments, visit our Investments solutions page

BT Invest is a new way to invest your money, how you want, when you want. Pick from one of our 5 ready-made managed portfolios, or you can choose the build your own portfolio option and select from over 50 managed funds, 7 managed portfolios or 15 term deposits.

  • Expert support

  • Choice and control over your investments

  • Integrated with your banking

Since 1969, our business has been built on the expertise and innovation of our investment specialists. Today we help thousands of customers find the investment solutions that suit their personal needs, goals, life stage and tolerance for risk.

BT doesn’t offer a ‘one-size-fits-all’ investment approach. We understand that investors have differing goals and attitudes towards investing, so we make available a wide choice of investment options.