What's new in SMSF?


Information for advice professionals only.

This Podcast will provide you with a high level overview of recent policy and regulatory changes impacting SMSFs and what the government is currently consulting on.

You can also access this podcast via Soundcloud.

Financial advisers have been seeking clarity from the BT Technical Services team on a range of topics over the last quarter, across superannuation, tax and social security. In this week’s podcast we review the top 5 questions the team has received.
The new breach reporting obligations came into effect on 1 October 2021, and it’s safe to say these add an additional layer of complexity given the expanded scope and penalties that apply. In this week’s podcast, BT’s Sarah Conte discusses the new regime with Brian Pollock, Director of Corporate Governance for The Principals’ Community.
Parliament has returned for the Spring sittings, however due to the passing of Her Late Majesty the timing has been reconfigured. This podcast will summarise some of the measures that are still before parliament and the implications of the rescheduling.

Things you should know: This commentary has been prepared by Westpac Financial Services Limited for use by advisers and must not be made available to any client. The commentary provides an overview only and should not be considered a comprehensive statement on any matter or relied upon as such. Projections given are predicative in character and whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the assumptions on which the projections are based are reasonable, the projections may be based on incorrect assumptions or may not take into account known or unknown risks and uncertainties. The results ultimately achieved may differ materially from these projections. This commentary may also contain material provided by third parties derived from sources believed to be accurate at its issue date. While such material is published with necessary permission, Westpac Financial Services Limited does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of, or endorses any such material.