Federal Budget 2022


Information for advice professionals only.

On 25 October 2022 the new Federal Government will deliver its first Federal Budget since coming in to power. Whilst Budgets are normally delivered in May, with the increased financial pressures faced by many, this Federal Budget presents an opportunity for the Government to pause and reset on a number of initiatives. Will we see changes to the proposed tax cuts due to commence in July 2024? Will there be measures targeted to help alleviate cost of living pressures faced by many Australians? Whilst not expected, could there even be changes announced to superannuation or dividend imputation?

CPD Accredited - Join BT’s Head of Financial Literacy, Bryan Ashenden for a live webinar as he dissects the Budget, what it contains and the impacts for you, and your clients.

  • Session 1: 8.00 – 9.00am (Sydney time)
  • Session 2: 12.00 – 1.00pm (Sydney time)

CPD Accredited - Watch now

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