Tech Know - Revisiting the 2021 Budget


Information for advice professionals only.

With the 2021/22 Federal Budget delivered earlier this week, in today’s BT TechKnow podcast we revisit some of the key themes around aged care, superannuation and measures targeted for women.

You can also access this podcast via Soundcloud.

With the 2021 Federal Budget just around the corner, we sat down with Peter Burgess, Deputy CEO and Director of Policy and Education from the SMSF Association to discuss a number of proposals put forward to Government in the SMSF Association’s pre-budget submission. With a number of proposals equally relevant for the broader super environment, this should be compulsory listening for financial advisers ahead of any announcements next week.
Podcast & PDF

This podcast explores how this calendar year has seen global equities drop 35.8% from their pre-pandemic high but have since recovered 52.4%, a drop from the February high of 2.4%.

Podcast & PDF
With the legislation passed to give effect to the annual consent provisions, and ASIC having released its legislative instruments, many advisers are turning their mind to the question of whether a fixed term agreement is better than an on-going fee arrangement. In this podcast we look at this issue and ask is one approach any better than the other?
Podcast & PDF

Things you should know: This commentary has been prepared by Westpac Financial Services Limited for use by advisers and must not be made available to any client. The commentary provides an overview only and should not be considered a comprehensive statement on any matter or relied upon as such. Projections given are predicative in character and whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the assumptions on which the projections are based are reasonable, the projections may be based on incorrect assumptions or may not take into account known or unknown risks and uncertainties. The results ultimately achieved may differ materially from these projections. This commentary may also contain material provided by third parties derived from sources believed to be accurate at its issue date. While such material is published with necessary permission, Westpac Financial Services Limited does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of, or endorses any such material.