Managed funds

BT Classic Investment Funds

APIR Code Investment option / Fund Management Fees and Costs (%)1 Performance Fees (%)2 Transaction Costs (%)3
RFA0021AUBT Active Balanced - NEF1.30%0.01%0.22%
BTA0043AUBT Balanced Returns Fund1.36%0.01%0.23%
RFA0011AUBT Core Australian Share Fund1.34%0.00%0.06%
RFA0013AUBT Natural Resources Fund1.30%0.00%0.12%
BTA0012AUBT Split Growth Fund1.28%0.00%0.07%
BTA0011AUBT Split Income Fund1.28%0.01%0.21%
RFA0023AUBT Tax Effective Income Fund - NEF1.40%0.00%0.09%

1. The management fees and costs of the investment option are estimate amounts reasonably available as at 30 June 2022. These management fees and costs relate to the underlying fees and costs incurred in managing the investment which, directly or indirectly, reduce the return on the investment. Management fees and costs are estimates and may vary over time.
2. The performance fees of the investment option are estimate amounts reasonably available as at 30 June 2022 prescribed by legislation to be calculated based on the average of the performance fees incurred by the Fund over the previous 5 financial years. Where an investment manager is appointed to manage a part of the Fund’s assets directly or indirectly (for example, through an underlying fund), and charges a performance fee, this is called a performance fee. There is no certainty that a performance fee will be paid, and the actual fees paid are likely to vary.
3. The transaction costs of the investment option are estimate amounts reasonably available as at 30 June 2022. Transaction costs are incurred when assets are bought and sold. These costs include brokerage, clearing and settlement costs, applicable stamp duty and the difference between the price paid for acquiring or disposing of an asset and its actual value at that time. Part of these costs are recouped through the buy-sell spread.

Please refer to the BT Classic Funds Product Disclosure Statement for more information.

BT Investment Funds

APIR Code Investment option / Fund Management Fees and Costs (%)1 Performance Fees (%)2 Transaction Costs (%)3
RFA0020AUBT Active Balanced Fund1.35%0.01%0.21%
BTA0023AUBT American Share Fund1.08%0.00%0.00%
BTA0026AUBT Asian Share Fund1.10%0.00%0.18%
BTA0021AUBT Australian Share Fund1.05%0.00%0.05%
WFS0089AUBlackRock Diversified ESG Growth Fund 1.40%0.00%0.04%
BTA0002AUBT Cash Management Trust0.11%0.00%0.00%
RFA0030AUBT Core Hedged Global Share Fund1.13%0.00%0.02%
BTA0025AUBT European Share Fund1.12%0.00%0.00%
BTA0044AUBT Future Goals Fund1.33%0.00%0.19%
RFA0062AUBT Geared Imputation Fund1.41%0.00%0.00%
WFS0387AUBT Global Property1.29%0.00%0.08%
RFA0019AUBT Imputation Fund1.09%0.00%0.01%
BTA0042AUBT Income Plus Fund1.37%0.01%0.21%
BTA0024AUBT International Fund1.07%0.00%0.03%
WFS0091AUInvestors Mutual Australian Share1.39%0.00%0.05%
WFS0092AUPlatinum International2.03%0.00%0.02%
BTA0051AUBT Property Securities Fund1.02%0.00%0.06%
WFS0093AUSchroder Australian Share1.39%0.00%0.05%
WFS0094AUSchroder Sustainable Growth Fund1.34%0.00%0.05%
WFS0095AUSchroder Absolute Return Income1.09%0.00%0.03%
RFA0012AUBT Smaller Companies Fund1.21%0.00%0.19%
BTA0127AUBT Technology Fund1.07%0.00%0.00%
WFS0098AUUBS Diversified Fixed Income1.14%0.00%0.02%

1. The management fees and costs of the investment option are estimate amounts reasonably available as at 30 June 2022. These management fees and costs relate to the underlying fees and costs incurred in managing the investment which, directly or indirectly, reduce the return on the investment. Management fees and costs are estimates and may vary over time.
2. The performance fees of the investment option are estimate amounts reasonably available as at 30 June 2022 and are prescribed by legislation to be calculated based on the average of the performance fees incurred by the Fund over the previous 5 financial years. Where an investment manager is appointed to manage a part of the Fund’s assets directly or indirectly (for example, through an underlying fund), and charges a performance fee, this is called a performance fee. There is no certainty that a performance fee will be paid, and the actual fees paid are likely to vary.
3. The transaction costs of the investment option are estimate amounts reasonably available as at 30 June 2022. Transaction costs are incurred when assets are bought and sold. These costs include brokerage, clearing and settlement costs, applicable stamp duty and the difference between the price paid for acquiring or disposing of an asset and its actual value at that time. Part of these costs are recouped through the buy-sell spread.

Please refer to the BT Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement for more information.

BT Investor Choice

APIR Code Investment option / Fund Management Fees and Costs (%)1 Performance Fees (%)2 Transaction Costs (%)3
WFS0102AUBT Investor Choice All Australian Growth Share Fund1.19%0.00%0.07%
WFS0103AUBT Investor Choice All Australian Share Fund1.18%0.00%0.00%
WFS0327AUBT Investor Choice All Australian Share Fund - NEF1.80%0.00%0.01%
WFS0013AUBT Investor Choice Australian Bond Fund0.89%0.00%0.01%
WFS0022AUBT Investor Choice Australian Growth Share Fund0.70%0.00%0.06%
WFS0101AUBT Investor Choice Aust Property Securities Fund1.25%0.00%0.03%
WFS0329AUBT Investor Choice Aust Prop Securities Fund - NEF1.81%0.00%0.05%
WFS0021AUBT Investor Choice Australian Share Fund0.72%0.00%0.00%
WFS0033AUBT Investor Choice Balanced Growth Fund1.21%0.01%0.22%
WFS0334AUBT Investor Choice Balanced Growth Fund - NEF1.81%0.01%0.22%
WFS0011AUBT Investor Choice Cash Management Trust0.12%0.00%0.00%
WFS0034AUBT Investor Choice Dynamic Growth Fund1.20%0.00%0.20%
WFS0023AUBT Investor Choice International Share Fund1.29%0.00%0.04%
WFS0032AUBT Investor Choice Moderate Growth Fund1.18%0.01%0.19%

1. The management fees and costs of the investment option are estimate amounts reasonably available as at 30 June 2022. These management fees and costs relate to the underlying fees and costs incurred in managing the investment which, directly or indirectly, reduce the return on the investment. Management fees and costs are estimates and may vary over time.
2. The performance fees of the investment option are estimate amounts reasonably available as at 30 June 2022 prescribed by legislation to be calculated based on the average of the performance fees incurred by the Fund over the previous 5 financial years. Where an investment manager is appointed to manage a part of the Fund’s assets directly or indirectly (for example, through an underlying fund), and charges a performance fee, this is called a performance fee. There is no certainty that a performance fee will be paid, and the actual fees paid are likely to vary.
3. The transaction costs of the investment option are estimate amounts reasonably available as at 30 June 2022. Transaction costs are incurred when assets are bought and sold. These costs include brokerage, clearing and settlement costs, applicable stamp duty and the difference between the price paid for acquiring or disposing of an asset and its actual value at that time. Part of these costs are recouped through the buy-sell spread.

Please refer to the BT Investor Choice Product Disclosure Statement for more information.

BT Premium Cash Fund

APIR Code Fund Management Fees & Costs (%)1 Performance Fees (%)2 Transaction Costs (%)3
BTA0173AU BT Premium Cash Fund 0.20% Not applicable 0.00%

1. The management fees and costs of the Fund are estimate amounts reasonably available as at 30 June 2022. These management fees and costs relate to the underlying fees and costs incurred in managing the investment which, directly or indirectly, reduce the return on the investment. Management fees and costs are estimates and may vary over time.
2. The performance fees of the Fund, where applicable, are estimate amounts reasonably available as at 30 June 2022 prescribed by legislation to be calculated based on the average of the performance fees incurred by the Fund over the previous 5 financial years. Where an investment manager is appointed to manage a part of the Fund’s assets directly or indirectly (for example, through an underlying fund), and charges a performance fee, this is called a performance fee. There is no certainty that a performance fee will be paid, and the actual fees paid are likely to vary.
3. The transaction costs of the Fund are estimate amounts reasonably available as at 30 June 2022. Transaction costs are incurred when assets are bought and sold. These costs include brokerage, clearing and settlement costs, applicable stamp duty and the difference between the price paid for acquiring or disposing of an asset and its actual value at that time. Part of these costs are recouped through the buy-sell spread.

Please refer to the BT Premium Cash Fund Product Disclosure Statement for more information.