Statement dates and FAQs

Annual statement dates

Product Dates
BT Invest and Panorama Investments
  • Annual Investment Statement – Early August to Late September 2024
  • Annual Tax Statement – Early August to Mid November 2024

If you have an adviser, please contact them for further questions.

BT Super Invest and Panorama Super
  • Annual Super Statement – Mid September to Early November 2024.

If you have an adviser, please contact them for further questions.

General Investments
  • BT Investment Funds: 15 August – September 2024
  • BT Investment Choice: 15 August – September 2024
  • Premium Cash: 15 July – August 2024
  • BT Classic Investment Funds: 15 August – September 2024
  • Cash Management: 15 July – August 2024
  • Tax Statements: 15 August – September 2024
  • CGT Statements: 15 August – September 2024

Your annual statement will be mailed to you.


Frequently asked questions

Will I re­ceive a tax state­ment this year?

If your Fund(s) did paid you any dis­tri­b­u­tions in this state­men­t’s fi­nan­cial year (ex­clud­ing dis­tri­b­u­tions paid ef­fec­tive 1 July, which are con­sid­ered part of the pre­vi­ous fi­nan­cial year), you will re­ceive a tax state­ment. We are not re­quired to pro­duce a tax state­ment if no in­come is paid. Please note that an in­crease in the value of your units as a re­sult of pos­i­tive per­for­mance does not con­sti­tute in­come.

Will I re­ceive a cap­i­tal gains tax (CGT) state­ment this year?

If you re­deemed or switched any units in your Fund, or trans­ferred units to an­other in­vest­ment in this state­men­t’s fi­nan­cial year, you may re­ceive a CGT state­ment. We are not re­quired to pro­duce a cap­i­tal gains tax state­ment when no re­demp­tions, switches or trans­fers have oc­curred. Please note that an in­crease or de­crease in the value of your units as a re­sult of per­for­mance does not con­sti­tute a cap­i­tal gain or loss.

Where is my exit statement?

BT Panorama accounts
Please note that exit statements are only available for superannuation and pension accounts. Once your account has been closed you can login to your BT Panorama account and download a ‘full withdrawal pack’ from your document library.
Please note while your account is in the process of being closed you will be unable to access it.
Questions? Please contact your adviser or customer relations on 1300 881 716.

Asgard accounts
Exit statements are available for all Asgard accounts. Once your account has been closed, you will be mailed an exit statement.
Questions? Please contact your adviser or customer relations on 1800 998 185.