If you are an investor in of BT’s a BT managed fund, you can access and manage your BT accounts via BT Online. Once you're logged in, you can:
Investors have been issued with log on details for the BT Online Investor portal. If you do not have this, please contact us.
If you’re unable to access the links above, contact us on 02 8456 0230, 0800 894 131 (NZ only) or +61 2 8456 0230 (for all other overseas investors) from 8:30am to 5:30pm Sydney time.
Important: Lost or stolen password? Please see our forgotten password instructions.
For security purposes, this website will lock your accounts from access if there have been three unsuccessful login attempts.
If this happens, please contact BT Customer Relations on 1300 881 716 and we’ll unlock your account for you.
If you’re logged into the secure section of this website but your session is inactive (for instance, if you’re called away from your computer or leave your session open accidentally), your session will be automatically closed after 10 minutes of inactivity.
You can visit other websites for up to 10 minutes and return to the BT website session without having to log in again.
Security of client information is very important to us. Unfortunately, without encryption software, email sent over the Internet is not secure.
We recommend that BT investors do not send their BT PIN or BT Password over the Internet via email. We’re also unable to accept changes of address or requests for BT PIN re-issue via email. You can, however, change your address once you’ve logged in.
We’re currently working on secure email solutions and we’ll advise you when we’re able to offer this service.
When you conduct a transaction on our website, it won’t appear in your Account Summary until it’s been fully processed. However, in the interim you can view the transaction in the Latest Online Transaction Report.
Once we receive an application it may take up to seven to ten working days to process and for it to appear on our website. Your application will be processed at the entry price last quoted for the business day on which we receive your application in Australia (if a valid application is received by us before 4 pm Sydney time).
If you’ve received confirmation of your investment but it hasn’t appeared on the Unit Holdings page, please check that the Investor Number on your confirmation is the Investor Number you are using on the website. If you have any concerns about your investment please contact us.
BT website gives you access to your personal account details and lets you perform transactions online. To help you keep this information and these transaction functions secure, you’ll be asked to log out when you leave the secure areas of the website. Also, if you haven’t been active for 10 minutes during your online session, you’ll be automatically logged out.
A BT PIN is a code that lets you access your investment information or register to access this info online. BT Funds Management will issue you with a BT PIN when you invest via a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or upon your request.
For maximum security, please ensure your BT PIN is kept separately from your Investor Number. Other security checks used by BT Funds Management include your Investor Number and personal details.
If you have more than one Investor Number, you’ll be issued with a separate BT PIN for each Investor Number.
Please also refer to our guide to Using BT Websites for more information.