Wrap Essentials product updates


Change in the Buy Spread for the BT External Fixed Interest 2 – December 2023

Effective from 22 December 2023, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 2 (ARSN: 111 628 490 APIR: WF­S0379AU), has changed from 0.20% to 0.27%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Notice of Termination: BT Wrap Essentials Funds

Westpac Financial Services Limited (ABN 20 000 241 127, AFSL 233716) (in their capacity as responsible entity) has advised that the BT Wrap Essentials funds listed below, which are currently available to existing investors through the Panorama Platform, are terminating with an effective date of Monday, 20 February 2023 and will be longer be available.

It is an­tic­i­pated that the re­turn of pro­ceeds to investors will be com­pleted by mid-March 2023.


BT Wrap Essentials Fund Name

Fund Marketing Name as referred to in the product disclosure statement


BT External Diversified 7

Advance Growth Multi-Blend


BT External Diversified 6

Advance Balanced Multi-Blend


BT External Australian Shares 5

Vanguard Australian Shares Index


BT External International Shares 7

T. Rowe Price Global Equity


BT External Australian Shares 9

Tyndall Australian Share Wholesale Fund


BT External International Shares 4

Vanguard International Shares Index


BT External Fixed Interest 14

Schroder Fixed Income


BT External Diversified 8

Advance High Growth Multi-Blend


BT External Diversified 5

Advance Moderate Multi-Blend


Change in buy spread for BT External Australian Shares 9 – April 2022

Effective from 14 April 2022, the buy spread for BT Ex­ter­nal Aus­tralian Shares 9 (WFS0411AU) (ARSN 131 108 248 APIR: WFS0411AU), referred to in the PDS as the Tyndall Australian Share Wholesale Fund, has changed from 0.50% to 0.40%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change of name of BT External Australian Shares 9 (Tyndall Australian Share Wholesale Fund) – March 2022

With ef­fect from 31 March 2022, BT Ex­ter­nal Australian Shares 9 has changed the In­vest­ment Op­tion name in the PDS from Nikko AM Australian Shares Wholesale Fund to Tyndall Australian Share Wholesale Fund. The change is a re­sult of a change in name of the un­der­ly­ing in­vest­ment manager which was effective September 2021.

There is no change to the in­vest­ment ob­jec­tive, in­vest­ment strat­egy, investment man­ager or dis­tri­b­u­tion fre­quency for this In­vest­ment Op­tion.

Change in buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 2 – February 2022

Effective from 14 February 2022, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 2 (ARSN: 111 628 490 APIR: WF­S0379AU), referred to in the PDS as the Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund, has changed from 0.29% to 0.20%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Notice of Termination: BT Wrap Essentials Fund terminations - 21 February 2022

West­pac Fi­nan­cial Ser­vices Lim­ited (ABN 20 000 241 127 AFSL 233716) (in their ca­pac­ity as re­spon­si­ble en­tity) has ad­vised that the BT Wrap Es­sen­tials funds listed be­low (the Funds) which are cur­rently avail­able on the Panorama Plat­form will no longer be avail­able as they are ter­mi­nat­ing with an ef­fec­tive date of Mon­day, 21 Feb­ru­ary 2022.


BT Wrap Es­sen­tials Fund - Fund Name

Fund Mar­ket­ing Name as re­ferred to in the prod­uct dis­clo­sure state­ment


BT Ex­ter­nal In­ter­na­tional Shares 6

Iron­bark Royal Lon­don Con­cen­trated Global Share


BT Ex­ter­nal In­ter­na­tional Shares 11

Black­Rock Global Al­lo­ca­tion Fund


BT Ex­ter­nal Aus­tralian Shares 13

Aus­bil Aus­tralian Ac­tive Eq­uity


BT Ex­ter­nal Fixed In­ter­est 8

Pen­dal En­hanced Cash


BT Ex­ter­nal Prop­erty 7

Lazard Global Listed In­fra­struc­ture


BT Ex­ter­nal Fixed In­ter­est 13

Mac­quarie In­come Op­por­tu­ni­ties


It is an­tic­i­pated that the re­turn of pro­ceeds to in­vestors will be com­pleted by early March 2022.


Notice of Termination: BT Wrap Essentials Fund terminations - 18 October 2021

Westpac Financial Services Limited (ABN 20 000 241 127 AFSL 233716) (in their capacity as responsible entity) has advised that the BT Wrap Essentials funds listed below (the Funds) which are currently available on the Panorama Platform will no longer be available as they are terminating with an effective date of Monday, 18 October 2021.


BT Wrap Essentials Fund - Fund Name

Fund Marketing Name as referred to in the product disclosure statement


BT External Fixed Interest 5

BT PM Capital Enhanced Yield


BT External Australian Shares 4

BT Investors Mutual Industrial Share


BT External Property 3

Barclays Australian Listed Property Index


BT External International Shares 5

Colonial First State Global Resources


BT External International Shares 8

Templeton Global Equity


BT External Property 4

Ironbark RREEF Global Property Securities


BT External Australian Shares 14

Ausbil Emerging Leaders


BT External Fixed Interest 9

UBS Cash


BT External Fixed Interest 10

Advance Australian Fixed Interest Multi-Blend


BT External Fixed Interest 11

Advance International Fixed Interest Multi-Blend


BT External Fixed Interest 12

OnePath Diversified Fixed Interest


BT External International Shares 9

Aberdeen Emerging Opportunities


BT External International Shares 15

Zurich Global Thematic Share


BT External Diversified 4

Advance Defensive Multi-Blend


BT External Property 6



It is an­tic­i­pated that the re­turn of pro­ceeds to investors will be com­pleted by early November 2021.

Change in buy spread for BT External Australian Shares 7 – October 2021

Effective from the 1 October 2021, the buy spread for BT External Australian Shares 7 (ARSN 131 109 021 APIR: WFS0409AU), referred to in the PDS as the Fidelity Australian Equities Fund, has changed from 0.40% to 0.30%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spreads – June 2021

Westpac Financial Services Ltd (WFSL) ABN 20 000 241 127, AFSL No. 233716, as responsible entity of the funds in the table below has resolved that, with effect from 30 June 2021, the buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Wrap Essentials APIR Code

Fund Name

Fund Name in Product Disclosure Statement

Current Application Spread %

New Application Spread (%)


BT External Fixed Interest 2

Mac­quarie Dy­namic Bond Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 5

PM Cap­i­tal En­hanced Yield Fund




BT External International Shares 5

Janus Hen­der­son Whole­sale Global Nat­ural Re­sources Fund




BT External Australian Shares 13

Aus­bil Aus­tralian Ac­tive Eq­uity Fund




BT External Australian Shares 14

Aus­bil Aus­tralian Emerg­ing Lead­ers Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 12

OnePath Whole­sale Di­ver­si­fied Fixed In­ter­est Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 13

Mac­quarie In­come Op­por­tu­ni­ties Fund




BT External International Shares 15

Zurich In­vest­ments Global The­matic Share Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 11

Ad­vance In­ter­na­tional Fixed In­ter­na­tional Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 10

Ad­vance Aus­tralian Fixed In­ter­na­tional Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Diversified 8

Ad­vance High Growth Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Diversified 4

Ad­vance De­fen­sive Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Diversified 5

Ad­vance Mod­er­ate Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Diversified 7

Ad­vance Growth Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Diversified 6

Ad­vance Bal­anced Multi-Blend Fund




Change of name of BT External Property 4 (Ironbark Global Property Securities Fund) – June 2021

With effect from 30 June 2021, BT External Property 4 has changed the Investment Option name in the PDS from Ironbark RREEF Global Prop Sec to Ironbark Global Property Securities Fund. The change is a result of a change in name of the underlying investment manager.

There is no change to the investment objective, investment strategy, investment manager or distribution frequency for this Investment Option.

Changes in Management Fees – June 2021

Westpac Financial Services Ltd (WFSL) ABN 20 000 241 127, AFSL No. 233716, as responsible entity of the Funds in the table below has resolved that, with effect from 30 June 2021, the ‘Management Costs will be reduced as outlined in the table below.


Fund Name

Fund name in the Prod­uct Dis­clo­sure State­ment

Current Management Fee (p.a.)

New Management Fee from 30/6/2021 (p.a.)


BT External International Shares 6

Ironbark Royal London Concentrated Global Share Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 9

UBS Cash Fund



Change of name of BT External Fixed Interest 8 (Pendal Enhanced Cash) – March 2021

With effect from 4 March 2021, BT External Fixed Interest 8 has changed the Investment Option name in the PDS from Pendal Enhanced Cash to Pendal Short Term Income Securities Fund. The change is a result of a change in name of the underlying investment manager.

There is no change to the investment objective, investment strategy, investment manager or distribution frequency for this Investment Option.


Changes in management fees - 18 December 2020

Westpac Financial Services Ltd (WFSL) ABN 20 000 241 127, AFSL No. 233716, as responsible entity of the funds in the table below has resolved that, with effect from 1 December 2020, the ‘Management Fees’ will be reduced as outlined in the table below.


Fund Name

Fund name in the Product Disclosure Statement

Current management fee (p.a.)

New management fee from 1 December 2020 (p.a.)


BT External International Shares 9

Aberdeen Emerging Opportunities Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 10

Advance Australian Fixed International Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Diversified 6

Advance Balanced Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Diversified 4

Advance Defensive Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Diversified 7

Advance Growth Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Diversified 8

Advance High Growth Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 11

Advance International Fix Int Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Diversified 5

Advance Moderate Multi-Blend Fund




BT External Property 6





BT External Australian Shares 13

Ausbil Australian Active Equity Fund




BT External Australian Shares 14

Ausbil Australian Emerging Leaders Fund




BT External International Shares 11

BlackRock Global Allocation Fund




BT External Property 3

iShares Wholesale Australian Listed Property Index Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 8

Pendal Enhanced Cash Fund




BT External International Shares 5

Janus Henderson Wholesale Global Natural Resources Fund




BT External International Shares 6

Ironbark Royal London Concentrated Global Share Fund




BT External Australian Shares 7

Fidelity Australian Equities Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 12

OnePath Wholesale Diversified Fixed Interest Fund




BT External Australian Shares 4

Investors Mutual Industrial Share Fund




BT External Property 7

Lazard Global Listed Infrastructure Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 2

Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 13

Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 5

PM Capital Enhanced Yield Fund




BT External Property 4

Ironbark Global Property Securities Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 14

Schroder Fixed Income Fund




BT International Shares 7

T Rowe Price Global Equity Fund




BT International Shares 8

Templeton Global Equity Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 9

Nikko AM - Tyndall Australian Share Fund




BT External Fixed Interest 9

UBS Cash Fund




BT External Australian Shares 5

Vanguard Australian Shares Index Fund




BT External International Shares 4

Vanguard International Shares Index Fund




BT External International Shares 15

Zurich Investments Global Thematic Share Fund



Notice of Termination: BT Multi-manager Australian Share Fund and BT Multi-manager Fixed Interest Fund - 10 November 2020

BT Funds Management Limited, as the responsible entity of the BT Multi-manager Australian Share Fund ARSN 131 108 042 (APIR: BTA0310AU) and BT Multi-manager Fixed Interest Fund ARSN 089 133 184 (APIR: BTA0311AU) (the Funds), has decided to terminate the Funds from 30 November 2020.

It is anticipated that the return of proceeds to members will be completed by mid-December 2020.

Change in management fee for BT External International Shares 8 - 14 October 2020

Westpac Financial Services Ltd (WFSL) ABN 20 000 241 127, AFSL No. 233716, as responsible entity of BT External International Shares 8 ARSN 131 107 938 (APIR: WFS0416AU), referred to in the PDS as the Templeton Global Equity Fund (Fund) has resolved that, with effect from 14 October 2020, the 'Management Costs' for the Fund will be reduced from 2.15% to 1.97%.

Change in management fee for BT External Australian Shares 5 - 14 October 2020

Westpac Financial Services Ltd (WFSL) ABN 20 000 241 127, AFSL No. 233716, as responsible entity of BT External Australian Shares 5 ARSN 111 629 264 (APIR: WFS0388AU), referred to in the PDS as the Vanguard Australian Shares Index Fund (Fund) has resolved that, with effect from 14 October 2020, the 'Management Costs' for the Fund will be reduced from 1.40% to 1.38%. 

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 14 – 4 September 2020

Effective from the 4th September 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 14 (ARSN 140 393 755 APIR: WFS0432AU), referred to in the PDS as the Schroder Fixed Income Fund, has changed from 0.34% to 0.24%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External International Shares 9 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External International Shares 9 (ARSN: 140 396 452 APIR: WFS0433AU), referred to in the PDS as the Aberdeen Emerging Opportunities Fund, has changed from 0.50% to 0.44%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 10 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 10 (ARSN: 140 394 145 APIR: WFS0428AU), referred to in the PDS as the Advance Australian Fixed Interest Multi-Blend Fund, has changed from 0.1% to 0.35%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 11 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 11 (ARSN: 140 394 056 APIR: WFS0429AU), referred to in the PDS as the Advance International Fixed Interest Multi-Blend Fund, has changed from 1.1% to 0.4%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Australian Shares 13 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External Australian Shares 13 (ARSN: 140 395 375 APIR: WFS0421AU), referred to in the PDS as the Ausbil Australian Active Equity Fund, has changed from 0.58% to 0.60%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External International Shares 5 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External International Shares 5 (ARSN: 131 107 830 APIR: WFS0413AU), referred to in the PDS as the Janus Henderson Wholesale Global Natural Resources Fund, has changed from 0.50% to 0.30%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 12 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 12 (ARSN: 140 393 960 APIR: WFS0430AU), referred to in the PDS as the OnePath Wholesale Diversified Fixed Interest Fund, has changed from 0.04% to 0.44%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 2 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 2 (ARSN: 111 628 490 APIR: WFS0379AU), referred to in the PDS as the Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund, has changed from 0.84% to 0.33%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 13 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 13 (ARSN 140 393 817 APIR: WFS0431AU), referred to in the PDS as the Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund, has changed from 0.90% to 0.36%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 5 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 5 (ARSN 111 628 730 APIR: WFS0382AU), referred to in the PDS as the PM Capital Enhanced Yield Fund, has changed from 0.20% to 0.40%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 14 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 14 (ARSN 140 393 755 APIR: WFS0432AU), referred to in the PDS as the Schroder Fixed Income Fund, has changed from 0.39% to 0.34%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Australian Shares 9 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External Australian Shares 9 (ARSN 131 108 248 APIR: WFS0411AU), referred to in the PDS as the Nikko AM Australian Share Fund, has changed from 0.60% to 0.50%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Australian Shares 5 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External Australian Shares 5 (ARSN 111 629 264 APIR: WFS0388AU), referred to in the PDS as the Vanguard Australian Shares Index Fund, has changed from 0.20% to 0.10%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External International Shares 4 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External International Shares 4 (ARSN 111 629 326 APIR: WFS0389AU), referred to in the PDS as the Vanguard International Shares Index Fund, has changed from 0.20% to 0.12%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External International Shares 15 – 17 July 2020

Effective from the 17th July 2020, the buy spread for BT External International Shares 15 (ARSN 140 396 532 APIR: WFS0439AU), referred to in the PDS as the Zurich Investments Global Thematic Share Fund, has changed from 0.16% to 0.12%. The buy spread has changed to align to the underlying fund.

As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in Management Fee for BT External International Shares 7 - 1 July 2020

Westpac Financial Services Ltd (WFSL) ABN 20 000 241 127, AFSL No. 233716, as responsible entity of BT External International Shares 7 ARSN 131 108 597 (APIR: WFS0415AU) (Fund) has resolved that, with effect from 1 July 2020, the 'Management Costs' for the Fund will be reduced from 2.20% to 1.96%. 

Change in the buy spread for BT External Diversified 4 – 18 May 2020

Effective from the 18th May 2020, the buy spread for BT External Diversified 4 (ARSN: 140 399 346 APIR: WFS0440AU), referred to in the PDS as the Advance Defensive Multi-Blend Fund, has changed from +0.53% to +0.35%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund.

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Diversified 5 – 18 May 2020

Effective from the 18th May 2020, the buy spread for BT External Diversified 5 (ARSN: 140 394 298 APIR: WFS0441AU), referred to in the PDS as the Advance Moderate Multi-Blend Fund, has changed from +0.51% to +0.39%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund.

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Diversified 6 – 18 May 2020

Effective from the 18th May 2020, the buy spread for BT External Diversified 6 (ARSN: 140 399 266 APIR: WFS0442AU), referred to in the PDS as the Advance Balanced Multi-Blend Fund, has changed from +0.50% to +0.43%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund.

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Diversified 7 – 18 May 2020

Effective from the 18th May 2020, the buy spread for BT External Diversified 7 (ARSN: 140 399 168 APIR: WFS0443AU), referred to in the PDS as the Advance Growth Multi-Blend Fund, has changed from +0.47% to +0.44%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund.

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT Wholesale Multi-Manager Fixed Interest Fund – 18 May 2020

Effective from the 18th May 2020, the buy spread for BT Wholesale Multi-Manager Fixed Interest Fund (ARSN: 131 108 819 APIR: BTA0311AU) has changed from +0.71% to +0.37%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund.

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 14 – 13 May 2020

Effective from the 13th May 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 14 (ARSN: 140 393 755 APIR: WFS0432AU), referred to in the PDS as the Schroder Fixed Income Fund, has changed from +0.68% to +0.39%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund. 

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 13 – 17 April 2020

Effective from the 17th April 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 13 (ARSN: 140 393 817 APIR: WFS0431AU), referred to in the PDS as the Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund, has changed from +0.30% to +0.90%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund. 

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 2 – 17 April 2020

Effective from the 17th April 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 2 (ARSN: 111 628 490 APIR: WFS0379AU), referred to in the PDS as the Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund, has changed from +0.16% to +0.84%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund. 

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT Wholesale Multi-Manager Fixed Interest Fund – 17 April 2020

Effective from the 17th April 2020, the buy spread for BT Wholesale Multi-Manager Fixed Interest Fund (ARSN: 131 108 819 APIR: BTA0311AU) has changed from +0.14% to +0.71%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund. 

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Diversified 5 – 17 April 2020

Effective from the 17th April 2020, the buy spread for BT External Diversified 5 (ARSN: 140 394 298 APIR: WFS0441AU), referred to in the PDS as the Advance Moderate Multi-Blend Fund, has changed from +0.32% to +0.51%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund. 

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 14 – 17 April 2020

Effective from the 17th April 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 14 (ARSN: 140 393 755 APIR: WFS0432AU), referred to in the PDS as the Schroder Fixed Income Fund, has changed from +0.24% to +0.68%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund. 

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 11 – 17 April 2020

Effective from the 17th April 2020, the buy spread for BT External Fixed Interest 11 (ARSN: 140 394 056 APIR: WFS0429AU), referred to in the PDS as the Advance International Fixed Interest Multi-Blend Fund, has changed from +0.20% to +1.10%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund. 

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Diversified 7 – 17 April 2020

Effective from the 17th April 2020, the buy spread for BT External Diversified 7 (ARSN: 140 399 168 APIR: WFS0443AU), referred to in the PDS as the Advance Growth Multi-Blend Fund, has changed from +0.44% to +0.47%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund. 

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Diversified 4 – 17 April 2020

Effective from the 17th April 2020, the buy spread for BT External Diversified 6 (ARSN: 140 399 346 APIR: WFS0440AU), referred to in the PDS as the Advance Defensive Multi-Blend Fund, has changed from +0.24% to +0.53%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund. 

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.

Change in the buy spread for BT External Diversified 6 – 17 April 2020

Effective from the 17th April 2020, the buy spread for BT External Diversified 6 (ARSN: 140 399 266 APIR: WFS0442AU), referred to in the PDS as the Advance Balanced Multi-Blend Fund, has changed from +0.40% to +0.50%. The change in buy spread is a result of a change to the underlying fund. 

The increase to the buy spread ensures that investors in the fund are treated fairly and the increased transactions costs are incurred by those investors who are transacting and not passed on to all unitholders. As indicated in the Product Disclosure Statement, these spreads may vary from time to time and we won’t ordinarily provide prior notice.


Change of name of Ironbark GTP Global Thematic – 1 September 2016

With effect from Thursday 1 September 2016, the name of BT External International Shares 6, the Investment Option referred to in the PDS as DWS Global Equity Thematic, changed to Ironbark Waverton Concentrated Global Share Fund (previously known as Ironbark GTP Global Equity Thematic from 29 July 2013 to 31 August 2016). Waverton Investment Management Ltd has been appointed as the investment manager of the underlying fund.

The information in the following table replaces the investment objective, investment strategy, investment manager and set out for the Ironbark Waverton Concentrated Global Share Fund (previously known as DWS Global Equity Thematic) investment option in the 'Investment Option profiles' section on page 37 of the PDS:

Investment objective

The Fund invests into the underlying fund which seeks to outperform the benchmark by 2-3% after fees, over rolling five year periods through investment in a focused selection of equities on a global basis.

Investment strategy

The Fund invests into the underlying fund which adopts a high conviction, long-only stock picking approach that invests in listed shares of 20-45 companies around the globe, which Waverton believe will:

  • Create shareholder wealth as a result of their intentional management strategy and/or superior business models;
  • Are priced at a significant discount to conservative estimates of cash-based, long-term intrinsic value; and
  • Demonstrate a reasonable investment ‘margin of safety’ in the analysis of the above two attributes.

The combination of management strategy, capital allocation, business models, long-term valuation opportunities and an investment ‘margin of safety’ leads to a style that is both valuation and quality focused.

Investment manager

Waverton Investment Management Ltd


Asset allocation neutral position (NP) and ranges %




International shares









Change of name of Tyndall Australian Share - 17 September 2014

The information below updates the Wrap Essentials Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) dated 27 November 2009, issued by BT Funds Management Limited (ABN 63 002 916 458, AFSL 233 724), BT Funds Management No. 2 Limited (ABN 22 000 727 659, AFSL 233 720) and Westpac Financial Services Limited (ABN 20 000 241 127, AFSL 233 716) as updated by the Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS) issued 16 March 2010, the Second SPDS issued 1 July 2010, the Third SPDS issued 20 March 2012 and the Fourth SPDS issued 1 July 2013, and should be read together with the PDS.

With effect from Wednesday 17 September 2014, the name of BT External Australian Shares 9, the Investment Option referred to in the PDS as Tyndall Australian Share, changed to Nikko AM - Tyndall Australian Share. The change in the Investment Option name is a result of a change in name of the underlying investment manager.

There is no change to the investment objective, investment strategy, investment manager or distribution frequency for this Investment Option.

Changes to disclosures in the Product Disclosure Statement of Wrap Essentials Investment Funds - 1 July 2014

About this update
This update outlines the changes in respect of the following effective from 1 July 2014:

Amendments to the ‘Fees and other costs’ section

i) The Consumer Advisory Warning, on page 70 of the PDS, is deleted and replaced with the following:

Did you know?

Small differences in both investment performance, and fees and costs, can have a substantial impact
on your long-term returns.
For example, total annual fees and costs of 2% of your account balance rather than 1% could reduce your final return by up to 20% over a 30 year period (for example, reduce it from $100,000 to $80,000).
You should consider whether the features such as superior investment performance or the provision of better member services justify higher fees and costs.

You may be able to negotiate to pay lower administration fees. Ask the Fund or your financial adviser.

To find out more

If you would like to find out more, or see the impact of the fees based on your circumstances,
the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (‘ASIC’) website (www.moneysmart.gov.au)
has a managed investment fee calculator to help you check out the different fee options.

 ii) The terminology in the table outlining the fees when your money moves in or out of the Investment Option, on page 70 of the PDS, has changed. The ‘Termination fee’ is now known as an ‘Exit fee’. 

Amendments to the ‘Taxation’ section

The following new paragraph is inserted after the ‘Non residents of Australia’ in the ‘Taxation’ section on page 81 of the PDS:

Our Reporting Obligations

We are required to identify certain US persons in order to meet account information reporting requirements under local and international laws.

If you or (where you are applying on behalf of an entity) the entity and/or any office bearer* of the entity and/or any individual who holds an interest in the entity of more than 25% (a Controlling Person) are a US citizen or US tax resident, you must telephone 1300 725 863 at the time of completing the application.  When you contact us you will be asked to provide additional information about your US tax status and/or the US tax status of the entity and/or any Controlling Person which will constitute certification of US tax status for the purposes of the application. 

Unless you notify us that you or (where you are applying on behalf of an entity) the entity and/or any Controlling Person are a US citizen or US tax resident as specified above, by completing the application you certify that you or (where you are applying on behalf of an entity) the entity and/or any Controlling Person are not a US citizen or US tax resident.  

If at any time after account opening, information in our possession suggests that you, the entity and/or any Controlling Person may be a US citizen or US tax resident, you may be contacted to provide further information on your US tax status and/or the US tax status of the entity and/or any Controlling Person.  Failure to respond may lead to certain reporting requirements applying to the account.

*Director of a company, partner in a partnership, trustee of a trust, chairman, secretary or treasurer of an association or co-operative

Changes to estimated performance fees

The ‘Performance fee’ estimate, in the ‘Further information on management costs and buy-sell spread’ table on page 78 and 79 of the PDS, is updated for the following Investment Options:

Investment option name Performance fee (% pa)
Advance High Growth Multi-Blend 0.03%7
BT Multi-manager High Growth Fund 0.03%7
Advance Growth Multi-Blend 0.02%7
BT Multi-manager Growth Fund 0.02%7
Advance Balanced Multi-Blend 0.02%7
BT Multi-manager Balanced Fund 0.02%7
Advance Moderate Multi-Blend 0.01%7
BT Multi-manager Conservative Fund 0.01%7
Advance Defensive Multi-Blend 0.01%7

7 The performance fee included in management costs in the table is an estimate only based on the performance fees paid over the 12 months to 31 December 2013. This performance fee estimate is not a representation of likely future performance. The actual performance fee and therefore the total management cost will depend on the performance of the relevant investment managers and is likely to vary from this estimate.

For more information
For more information, talk to your financial planner or contact BT Customer Relations between 8.30am-5.30pm (Monday to Friday, Sydney time).

Investment in the Wrap Essentials Investment Funds
BT Funds Management Limited, BT Funds Management No. 2 Limited and Westpac Financial Services Limited are members of the Westpac Group. An investment in any Investment Option offered in the PDS is not an investment in, deposit with, or any other liability of, Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 (the  Bank’) or any other company in the Westpac Group. It is subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment of withdrawal proceeds and the loss of income and principal invested. The Bank is not the issuer of any Investment Option. Neither the Bank nor any other company in the Westpac Group stands behind or otherwise guarantees the capital value or investment performance of any Investment Option offered in the PDS.

BT External International Shares 11 enhanced disclosure for hedge funds - March 2014

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has issued a set of benchmarks and disclosure principles, contained in ASIC Regulatory Guide 240: Hedge Funds: Improving disclosure (RG 240), which is aimed at helping investors understand and assess hedge funds.

The disclosure benchmarks and principles set out in RG 240 apply to the Wrap Essentials Investment Fund investment option listed below, which is offered through Wrap Essentials and Super Wrap Essentials (together, Wrap Essentials).

The responsible entity of the Fund is Westpac Financial Services Limited (WFSL) ABN 20 000 241 127, AFSL 233 716 (WFSL).

The Fund will fall within the definition of a ‘fund of hedge funds’ because it invests in another fund, BlackRock Global Allocation Fund ARSN 114 214 701 (the Underlying Fund), which has been identified as a hedge fund for the purposes of RG 240.

Investors should review this information in conjunction with the Wrap Essentials Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement (“PDS”) dated 27 November 2009 as amended by the Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (“SPDS”) dated 16 March 2010, the Second SPDS dated 1 July 2010, the Third SPDS dated 20 March 2012 and the Fourth SPDS dated 1 July 2013.

What additional information should I expect?

ASIC requires a responsible entity of a fund of hedge funds to enhance existing disclosure by providing specific information regarding how the fund’s assets are valued, the periodic reporting it will provide and the relevant details set out in the disclosure principles outlined under RG240.

BT External International Shares 3 enhanced disclosure for hedge funds - March 2014

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has issued a set of benchmarks and disclosure principles, contained in ASIC Regulatory Guide 240: Hedge Funds: Improving disclosure (RG 240), which is aimed at helping investors understand and assess hedge funds.

The disclosure benchmarks and principles set out in RG 240 apply to the Wrap Essentials Investment Fund investment option listed below, which is offered through Wrap Essentials and Super Wrap Essentials (together, Wrap Essentials).

The responsible entity of the Fund is Westpac Financial Services Limited (WFSL) ABN 20 000 241 127, AFSL 233 716 (WFSL).

The Fund will fall within the definition of a ‘fund of hedge funds’ because it invests in another fund, Platinum International Fund ARSN 089 528 307 (the Underlying Fund), which has been identified as a hedge fund for the purposes of RG 240.

Investors should review this information in conjunction with the Wrap Essentials Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement (“PDS”) dated 27 November 2009 as amended by the Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (“SPDS”) dated 16 March 2010, the Second SPDS dated 1 July 2010, the Third SPDS dated 20 March 2012 and the Fourth SPDS dated 1 July 2013.

What additional information should I expect?

ASIC requires a responsible entity of a fund of hedge funds to enhance existing disclosure by providing specific information regarding how the fund’s assets are valued, the periodic reporting it will provide and the relevant details set out in the disclosure principles outlined under RG240.

Changes in relation to the BT Asian Share Fund - December 2013

Effective on or around 18 February 2014, the underlying investment manager for the BT Asian Share Fund (ARSN 087 595 131) will change to JO Hambro Capital Management Group (a wholly owned subsidiary of BT Investment Management).

There will be no change to the investment objective, asset allocation, benchmark, buy/sell spreads and management fees.

The change in investment manager will incur transaction costs within the Fund. The cost incurred will depend on market conditions at the time.

The information in the following table replaces the investment manager set out for the BT Asian Share Fund investment option in the 'Investment Option profiles’ section on page 33 of the PDS:

Investment manager    JO Hambro

Change to the performance hurdle for the BT External Australian Shares 14 - 1 October 2013

The performance hurdle for BT External Australian Shares 14 (relating to the Ausbil Australian Emerging Leaders investment option) has changed as a result of a change by the underlying fund manager. Accordingly, the 'Performance hurdle' section of the Performance fee table on page 73 of the PDS is replaced with the following:

Performance hurdle 70% S&P / ASX Midcap 50 Accumulation Index,
30% S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index
plus 85bps pa 

Changes in relation to the BT External Specialist 5 - September 2013

Effective 18 September 2013, disclosure has been amended for the BT External Specialist 5 (ARSN 111 629 451), the Investment Option referred to as Ibbotson International Shares High Opportunities (Unhedged).

(i) The information in the following table replaces the recommended investment timeframe set out for the Ibbotson International Shares High Opportunities (Unhedged) investment option in the 'Investment Option profiles’ section on page 16 of the PDS:

Recommended investment timeframe 7 years or more

(ii) The information in the following table replaces the investment objective set out for the Ibbotson International Shares High Opportunities (Unhedged) investment option in the 'Investment Option profiles' section on page 38 of the PDS:

Investment objective The Fund aims to maximize outperformance relative to the benchmark (MSCI All Country World ex-Australia Index with Net Dividends Reinvested (Unhedged) over rolling seven year periods, by investing predominantly in listed international shares.

Correction to the ARSN of BT External Property 5 - September 2013

The ARSN for BT External Property 5 (relating to the Advance Property Securities Multi-Blend Investment Option) which has been incorrectly stated on page 90 of the PDS is replaced with the following correct ARSN for BT External Property 5:

140 392 945

Change of name of DWS Global Equity Thematic - 29 July 2013

With effect from Monday 29 July 2013, the name of BT External International Shares 6, the Investment Option referred to in the PDS as DWS Global Equity Thematic, changed to Ironbark GTP Global Equity Thematic. The change in name is a result of a change in name of the underlying investment manager. As a result of this change, there is no change to the investment objective, investment strategy, investment manager or distribution frequency for this Investment Option.


Change of name of RREEF Global Property Securities - 29 July 2013

With effect from Monday 29 July 2013, the name of BT External Property 4, the Investment Option referred to in the PDS as RREEF Global Property Securities, changed to Ironbark RREEF Global Property Securities. The change in name is a result of a change in name of the underlying investment manager. As a result of this change, there is no change to the investment objective, investment strategy, investment manager or distribution frequency for this Investment Option.

Changes to buy-sell spread disclosure - 12 July 2013

The buy-sell spread for the following funds has been updated as follows:

(i) The information in the following table replaces the buy-sell spread set out for Ausbil Active Australian Equity Fund in the 'Further information on management costs and buy-sell spread Investment Options profiles' section on page 79 of the PDS:

Fund Ausbil Active Australian Equity
Buy-sell Spread 0.50

(ii) The information in the following table replaces the buy-sell spread set out for the BlackRock Global Small Cap Fund in the 'Further information on management costs and buy-sell spread Investment Options profiles' section on page 78 of the PDS:

Fund BlackRock Global Small Cap
Buy-sell Spread 1.00

(iii) The information in the following table replaces the buy-sell spread set out for the Macquarie Diversified Fixed Interest Fund in the 'Further information on management costs and buy-sell spread Investment Options profiles' section on page 80 of the PDS:

Fund Macquarie Diversified Fixed Interest
Buy-sell Spread 0.16

(iv) The information in the following table replaces the buy-sell spread set out for the PM Capital Enhanced Yield Fund in the 'Further information on management costs and buy-sell spread Investment Options profiles' section on page 80 of the PDS:

Fund PM Capital Enhanced Yield
Buy-sell Spread 0.20

(v) The information in the following table replaces the buy-sell spread set out for the Schroder Fixed Income Fund in the 'Further information on management costs and buy-sell spread Investment Options profiles' section on page 80 of the PDS:

Fund Schroder Fixed Income
Buy-sell Spread 0.24

(vi) The information in the following table replaces the buy-sell spread set out for the UBS International Share Fund in the 'Further information on management costs and buy-sell spread Investment Options profiles' section on page 79 of the PDS:

Fund UBS International Share
Buy-sell Spread 0.50

(vii) The information in the following table replaces the buy-sell spread set out for the Vanguard International Shares Index Fund in the 'Further information on management costs and buy-sell spread Investment Options profiles' section on page 79 of the PDS:

Fund Vanguard International Shares Index
Buy-sell Spread 0.25

(viii) The information in the following table replaces the buy-sell spread set out for the Zurich Australian Equity Income Fund in the 'Further information on management costs and buy-sell spread Investment Options profiles' section on page 79 of the PDS:

Fund Zurich Australian Equity Income
Buy-sell Spread 0.30

Changes in relation to Reduced Input Tax Credits - March 2013

Information in the PDS relating to Reduced Input Tax Credits (RITC) is being updated in the following manner:

  • Footnote 2 on page 74 of the PDS is replaced with the following updated text:
    This amount is net of GST and reduced input tax credits (RITCs).
  • The last paragraph under the heading Goods and Services Tax (GST) on page 81 of the PDS is replaced with the following updated text:
    The Investment Options may be entitled to claim a refund (Reduced Input Tax Credit (RITC)) for part of the GST included in the price of most purchases.

Correction to the ARSN of BT External International Shares 1 - March 2013

The ARSN for BT External International Shares 1 (relating to the Aberdeen Actively Hedged International Equities Investment Option) which has been incorrectly stated on page 89 of the PDS is replaced with the following correct ARSN for BT External International Shares 1:

105 252 417

Correction to the APIR code of BT Multi-manager Conservative Fund - March 2013

The APIR code for the BT Multi-manager Conservative Fund, which has been incorrectly stated on page 88 of the PDS, is replaced with the following correct APIR code for the BT Multi-manager Conservative Fund:


Changes in relation to the BT Geared Imputation Fund - March 2013

  • Consistent with the payment arrangements for management costs applicable to other Investment Options, the issuer fee for the BT Geared Imputation Fund is paid from the assets of the Investment Option and reflected in the unit price of your investment. Accordingly, footnote 6 on page 71 of the PDS is deleted.
  • The final sentence in the BT Geared Imputation Fund Impact of gearing section on page 82 of the PDS is replaced with the following updated text:

    Instead, the losses can generally be offset against future income or gains of the Investment Option, subject to the Investment Option passing certain tests.

Change to the benchmark for the BlackRock Global Small Cap Fund

The benchmark for the BlackRock Global Small Cap Fund has changed to the S&P Global MidSmall Cap Index. Accordingly, the 'Benchmark' section of the Investment Option profile for the BlackRock Global Small Cap Fund on page 32 of the PDS is replaced with the following:

Benchmark S&P Global MidSmall Cap Index

Changes to Strategic Asset Allocations - 1 July 2012

Effective 1 July 2012, the asset allocation ranges, for the following Advance Multi-Blend and BT Multi-Manager diversified Investment Options have changed.

The information in the following table replaces the asset allocation ranges set out for the BT Multi-manager Conservative and Advance Defensive Multi-Blend Fund in the ‘Investment Options profiles’ section on pages 21 & 22 of the PDS:

Fund BT Multi-manager Conservative Fund & Advance Defensive Multi-Blend
Asset allocation neutral position (NP) and ranges %   NP Range
Australian Shares 12.5 2.5 - 17.5
International Shares 5 0 - 10
Property 4 0 - 9
Australian Fixed Interest 14 9 - 24
International Fixed Interest 22 17 - 32
Asian Shares 1.5 0 - 3.5
Commodities 3 0 - 5
Growth Alternative Strategies 4 0 - 14
Defensive Alternative Strategies 11 6 - 21
Cash 23 15 - 43

The information in the following table replaces the asset allocation ranges set out for the Advance High Growth Multi-Blend and BT Multi-manager High Growth Fund in the ‘Investment Options profiles’ section on page 18 of the PDS:

Fund Advance High Growth Multi-Blend and BT Multi-manager High Growth Fund
Asset allocation neutral position (NP) and ranges %   NP Range
Australian Shares 40.5 30.5 - 45.5
International Shares 33 23 - 38
Property 4 0 - 9
Asian Shares 3.5 0 - 8.5
Commodities 5 0 - 10
Growth Alternative Strategies 14 9 - 29
Defensive Alternative Strategies 0 0 - 15
Cash 0 0 - 20

Changes to BT External Fixed Interest 13 - effective 2 April 2012

This information is in relation to BT External Fixed Interest 13 (ARSN 140 393 817), the Investment Option referred to as Macquarie Income Opportunities in the Wrap Essentials Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) dated 27 November 2009 as amended by the Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS) issued 16 March 2010, the Second SPDS issued 1 July 2010 and the Third SPDS issued 20 March 2012.

Effective 2 April 2012, disclosure has been amended for this Investment Option. Accordingly, the ‘Asset allocation neutral position (NP) and ranges %’ section of the Investment Option profile for the Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund on page 57 of the PDS is replaced with the following:

Macquarie Income Opportunities
Sector Range
RMBS, CMBS, floating rate notes, asset backed and fixed rate corporate debt securities 20-100
Hybrid securities 0-10
Global investment grade credit securities 0-40
Global high yield debt securities 0-15
Emerging market debt securities 0-15
Credit opportunities 0-20

Note: No changes have been made to the neutral allocations.

Change to the benchmark for the Advance International Fixed Interest Multi-Blend Fund

The benchmark for the Advance International Fixed Interest Multi-Blend Fund has changed to the Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index (fully hedged). Accordingly, the ‘Benchmark’ section of the Investment Option profile for the Advance International Fixed Interest Multi-Blend on page 26 of the PDS is replaced with the following:

Benchmark Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index (fully hedged)

Change of name of ING Diversified Fixed Interest - 27 February 2012

With effect from Monday 27 February 2012, the name of BT External Fixed Interest 12, the Investment Option referred to in the PDS as ING Diversified Fixed Interest, changed to OnePath Diversified Fixed Interest. The change in name is a result of a change in name of the underlying investment manager. As a result of this change, there is no change to the investment objective, investment strategy, investment manager or distribution frequency for this Investment Option.

Changes to BT External Diversified 3 - effective 29 September 2011

The information below is in relation to BT External Diversified 3 - effective 29 September 2011

This information is in relation to BT External Diversified 3 (ARSN 105 252 524), the Investment Option referred to as Perpetual conservative Growth in the Wrap Essentials Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement dated 27 November 2009 as amended by the Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS) dated 16 March 2010 and the SPDS dated 1 July 2010.

Effective 29 September 2011, disclosure has been amended for this Investment Option. Accordingly, the following replaces footnote 6 related to this Investment Option on page 31 of the PDS.

6_ The Fund gains its exposure to Australian shares by investing in an underlying fund/s which invest/s primarily in Australian listed or soon to be listed shares but may have up to 20% exposure to stocks outside Australia. The investment guidelines showing the Fund’s maximum investment in international shares do not include this potential additional exposure. Short positions may be part of the underlying Australian share funds’ strategy. Currency hedges may be used from time to time.

No changes have been made to the investment objective or investment strategy.

Changes to Investment Option profiles - 1 March 2011

Changes to Investment Option profiles - Asset allocation neutral position (NP) and ranges

As at 1 March 2011, changes have been made to the asset allocations and asset sector ranges to a selection of the Advance Multi-Blend and BT Multi-manager Investment Options available through Wrap Essentials Investment Funds. The Asset allocation neutral position (NP) and ranges have been updated as shown below.

Page 18 of the PDS - Advance High Growth Multi-Blend and BT Multi-manager High Growth Fund
  NP Range
Australian Shares 44.5 41.5 - 47.5
International Shares 39.5 36.5 - 42.5
Property 4 1 - 7
Other 12 9 - 15
Cash 0 0 - 8
Page 19 of the PDS - Advance Growth Multi-Blend and BT Multi-manager Growth Fund
  NP Range
Australian Shares 37.5 32.5 - 42.5
International Shares 30 25 - 35
Property 7 2 - 12
Australian Fixed Interest 4 0 - 9
International Fixed Interest 7 2 - 12
Other 11.5 6.5 - 16.5
Cash 3 0 - 11
Page 20 of the PDS - Advance Balanced Multi-Blend and BT Multi-manager Balanced Fund
  NP Range
Australian Shares 13.5 8.5 - 18.5
International Shares 6.5 1.5 - 11.5
Property 4 0 - 9
Australian Fixed Interest 14 9 - 19
International Fixed Interest 26 21 - 31
Other 11 6 - 16
Cash 25 17 - 33
Page 21 of the PDS - Advance Moderate Multi-Blend
  NP Range
Australian Shares 23.5 18.5 - 28.5
International Shares 14 9.0 - 19.0
Property 5 0 - 10
Australian Fixed Interest 13 8 - 18
International Fixed Interest 23 18 - 28
Other 9.5 4.5 - 6.5
Cash 12 4 - 20
Page 21 of the PDS - BT Multi-manager Conservative Fund
  NP Range
Australian Shares 13.5 8.5 - 18.5
International Shares 6.5 1.5 - 11.5
Property 4 0 - 9
Australian Fixed Interest 14 9 - 19
International Fixed Interest 26 21 - 31
Other 11 6 - 16
Cash 25 17 - 33
Page 22 of the PDS -Advance Defensive Multi-Blend
  NP Range
Australian Shares 13.5 8.5 - 18.5
International Shares 6.5 1.5 - 11.5
Property 4 0 - 9
Australian Fixed Interest 14 9 - 19
International Fixed Interest 26 21 - 31
Other 11 6 - 16
Cash 25 17 - 33

Changes to BT External Specialist 1 - 1 February 2011

The information below is in relation to BT External Specialist 1 - effective 1 February 2011

BT External Specialist 1 (ARSN 105 252 677), the Investment Option referred to as Schroder Hybrid Securities in the Wrap Essentials Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement dated 27 November 2009 as amended by the Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS) dated 16 March 2010 and the SPDS dated 1 July 2010.

Effective 1 February 2011, the name of the Investment Option has will change from Schroder Hybrid Securities to Schroder Credit Securities. All references in the PDS to Schroder Hybrid Securities are replaced with Schroder Credit Securities. The change in name provides a more accurate description of the underlying investments of this Investment Option. No changes have been made to the investment objective or investment strategy.

Change of name of Goldman Sachs JBWere Australian Infrastructure - 2 August 2010

With effect from Monday 2 August 2010, the name of BT Australian Shares 8, the Investment Option referred to in the PDS as Goldman Sachs JBWere Australian Infrastructure, changed to Goldman Sachs Australian Infrastructure. The change in name is a result of a change in name of the underlying investment manager. As a result of this change, there is no change to the investment objective, investment strategy, investment manager or distribution frequency for this Investment Option.

Change to distribution frequency for some Advance Multi-Blend Funds - 1 July 2010

From 1 July 2010, the distribution frequency for the Advance High Growth Multi Blend, Advance Growth Multi Blend, Advance Australian Shares Multi Blend and Advance International Fixed Interest Multi Blend Funds is increasing to Quarterly.

Accordingly, the ‘Distribution frequency' section of the Investment Option profiles for the Advance High Growth Multi Blend, Advance Growth Multi Blend, Advance Australian Shares Multi Blend and Advance International Fixed Interest Multi Blend Funds on pages 18-26 of the PDS is replaced with the following:

Distribution frequency Quarterly

Changes to benchmark for the Advance Australian Shares Multi-Blend Fund - April 2010

The benchmark for the Australian Shares Multi-Blend Fund has changed to the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index. Accordingly, the ‘Benchmark’ section of the Investment Option profile for the Australian Shares Multi-Blend on page 24 of the PDS is replaced with the following:

Benchmark S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index