Annual Performance Assessment - It is important to note that our MySuper Lifestage investment options for BT Super and BT Super for Life have failed the annual performance assessment administered by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) for the second consecutive year, which means these products are now closed for new members.
At BT, we've chosen a Lifestage fund for our MySuper investment option to ensure your super suits you. A Lifestage fund invests your super based on the decade you were born and the investment mix automatically adjusts as you get older.
This product is now closed. BT Super merged into the Mercer Super Trust on 1 April 2023, and all BT Super for Life and BT Super accounts were transferred to Mercer Super on that date.
BT Super Product Dashboard (PDF 610 KB)
BT Super For Life Product Dashboard (PDF 610 KB)
Each year we’re required to complete an assessment of BT’s superannuation products. View the results of each assessment.