BT Panorama recognised on world stage

1 min read

BT Panorama has taken out the award for Best use of IT in Private Banking/Wealth Management at the Banking Technology Awards in London.

Up against an international line-up BT Financial Group’s wealth operating system BT Panorama won the award for its innovative technology.

John Shuttleworth, General Manager Platforms and Investments at BT Financial Group said the success of BT Panorama has been largely driven by its simple and intuitive customer interface built on a powerful operating system.

“The collaboration of agile teams comprising product owners, user-experience designers and technology developers coupled with a design-thinking approach has also been a key driver of BT Panorama’s success.

“BT Panorama provides a full investment and SMSF offer designed to make it easier for advisers and investors to manage their wealth and the platform will be extended to include superannuation in February 2017.

“We are extremely proud of this award which is terrific acknowledgement that what we are building is recognised as a globally leading solution in wealth management,” said Mr Shuttleworth.

There are over 450 managed funds on BT Panorama and advisers can now manage client portfolios on-the-go with the addition of mobile trading capabilities including mobile notifications and online corporate actions.

“The feedback on the SMSF capability has been very positive with advisers pointing to the ease of use, speed of set-up, links to online banking and the ability to engage clients with greater reporting functionality,” added Mr Shuttleworth.

“It is great to see the traction of BT Panorama; we build the capability but it is the advisers that we work with every day who help define the continuous improvement,” concluded Mr Shuttleworth.

The investment offer on BT Panorama includes cash, term deposits, managed funds, listed securities and BT Managed Portfolios. Personal superannuation will be launched in early 2017.

About BT Panorama

BT Panorama is an intuitive and intelligent wealth operating system transforming the management of investment portfolios and SMSFs. It uses the latest design methodology to support a simple and easy user experience, and deliver a new level of efficiency for wealth management. It gives advisers, accountants and their clients one place to collaborate, with the flexibility to support the way they want to manage wealth.

Information is current as at 8/12/2016.

More information

Georgie Hay
M: 0404 892 199
