Media releases archive

16 Dec 2010

BT Financial Group has endorsed the Federal Government's response to the Cooper Review as the most significant opportunity for the sector to increase access and engagement in super and drive better retirement outcomes for all Australians.

06 Dec 2010

Westpac and St.George banks' Home and Contents Insurance, underwritten by Westpac General Insurance Limited, was recognised with top awards from Canstar Cannex and Money Magazine reflecting the outstanding value and quality cover for customers' homes and treasured possessions.

17 Nov 2010

Mark Smith, General Manager of Insurance, today announced two key appointments to BT Financial Group's insurance business. Daniel Musson has been appointed to the role of Head of Bancassurance from his most recent role at Bank of Queensland and Jim Glossat has been promoted to Head of General Insurance.

16 Nov 2010

AdviserNETgain, an online financial planning solution that integrates advisers' front and back office, has released its new bulk review feature enabling the production of an unlimited number of review advice documents in one process.

10 Nov 2010

BT Financial Group (BTFG) reigned supreme at last night's Australian Service Excellence Awards taking out two top line honours - the blue ribbon award, "Best of the Best" for Outstanding Excellence in Customer Service, as well as taking home top prize for 'Division of a Large Business'.

01 Oct 2010

BT's multi-award winning super fund, BT Super for Life, has reached its first billion dollars in funds under management - proving Australians are eager to engage with their super via a low-cost and simple superannuation solution.

28 Sep 2010

Magnitude will hold their fifth annual conference this week with the dealer group tackling the future under the conference theme, "Swing of the Pendulum," against the backdrop of Byron Bay.

21 Sep 2010

Mark Spiers, BT Financial Group's General Manager of Advice, today announced the appointment of Matthew Englund to Head of Dealer Groups, which incorporates Securitor and Magnitude, following the resignation of Neil Younger.

17 Sep 2010

The calibre of BT Financial Group's two platform businesses and the people who support them was reflected with BT Wrap and Asgard both taking home awards at the annual AFR Smart Investor Blue Ribbon Awards.

13 Sep 2010

Advisers looking to thrive in a changing environment are being targeted to transition their practice to Securitor and grow their business to a full Fee for Advice offer, no matter what their business model or their stage of progress on this inevitable path.

01 Sep 2010

Transitioning to Fee for Advice - Masterclass

The Association of Financial Advisers and Securitor have come together to provide financial advisers with practical tools and ideas to help them work towards a fee for advice pricing model.
The 'Future of Financial Advice' breakfast masterclasses, being held during September in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, will focus on how to have real conversations with clients about their needs and the value of professional advice.

16 Aug 2010

Asgard has launched its custodial shares solution through eWRAP Investment giving advisers the ability to manage their clients' corporate actions online by allowing the platform to take delivery of all the client's shares information.

23 Jul 2010

BT's quest to help more Australians understand and engage with their super was recognised at the recent Australian Superannuation Funds Association (ASFA) Communication Awards.

07 Jul 2010

In order to meet the retirement needs of future generations, the superannuation industry needs an overhaul of at least the scale the Government is signalling via its current reform agenda, according to BT Financial Group (BTFG) as it commented on the recommendations of the Cooper Review into the Superannuation System.

05 Jul 2010

As financial advisers embark on a new financial year, Asgard has launched a new online process for managing clients' personal tax deductions in super.

01 Jul 2010

BT Life Insurance has bolstered its technical support capability with the appointment of Jason Menzies as Technical Manager, Life Insurance.

01 Jul 2010

BT Wrap is delighted to announce it has signed a further five year agreement with DKN Financial Group Limited (DKN), reflecting the continued strength of the long term partnership between the two groups.

10 May 2010

Patrick Farrell, Head of Advance Investment Solutions at BT Financial Group, today announced the appointment of Ron Mehmet as Portfolio Manager, Fixed Interest.

07 May 2010

BT Financial Group has embarked on a new integrated marketing campaign using 3D innovations to re-engage investors on the need to think and act long-term when building retirement wealth.

02 May 2010

The fact workers will have a 12 per cent Superannuation Guarantee (SG) by 2019-2020 highlights the significance of the Super System Review reforms proposed in March this year, according to BT Financial Group.

09 Apr 2010

BT Financial Group (BTFG) today announced a restructure of its senior executive team with a number of key internal appointments following the resignation of one of its General Managers, Geoff Lloyd.

22 Mar 2010

Brad Cooper, Chief Executive of BT Financial Group, today welcomed the Cooper Review's SuperStream recommendations and said, if implemented, they would bring about the single biggest improvement to Australians' retirement savings since the Superannuation Guarantee was introduced.

15 Mar 2010

BT Wrap today launched another round of platform enhancements delivering optimum trading functionality to meet increasing adviser and client demand for equities and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).

22 Feb 2010

Most Australians don't understand one of their largest assets - but want help to simplify it.

Georgie Hay
M: 0404 892 199