Super and insurance completes BT Panorama

3 min read

Today BT Financial Group (BTFG) has delivered a step-change in managing clients’ superannuation, SMSFs and investments with the integration of superannuation and insurance1 on BT Panorama.

Building on the successful launch of its existing investment suite including: cash, term deposits, direct equities, managed funds and managed portfolios, the addition of superannuation and life insurance completes BT Panorama.

BTFG General Manager, Platforms and Investments Mr John Shuttleworth says there is now one place for advisers to manage all of their clients’ needs on an operating system that supports scalable growth for their businesses.

Key functionality for superannuation includes:

  • Ability to seamlessly move from accumulation to pension phase
  • Contribution trackers to ensure limits are not reached and protect against adverse tax outcomes
  • Ability to schedule one-off and regular pension payments on any business day
  • Greater access to information to help track rollovers and upcoming payments such as tax and insurance premiums
  • Manage beneficiary nominations in pension phase including the option for secondary nominations
  • Integrated insurance offer providing application tracking as well as insurance monitoring and reporting

“This is a crucial milestone in the build of BT Panorama as advisers now have an end-to-end solution to manage all of their clients’ financial needs no matter their product structure” Mr Shuttleworth said.

Since its initial cash hub launch in 2014, BT Panorama has continuously built on its growth and now has more than 3,300 SMSFs and 2,960 advisers registered.

Key features proving popular include: flexible portfolio construction, the mobile app, signature free account opening and personalised market information and tracking.

BT is the number one retail platform provider based on funds under administration (FUA)2 and advisers looking for a new platform indicated they were more likely to start using BT Panorama than any other platform.3

Next month BT kicks off its popular national adviser roadshow BTNext featuring Netflix co-founder Marc Randolph as keynote speaker. Adviser attendance is at capacity in most states indicating strong interest in the completed BT Panorama offer.

1 BT Protection Plans
2 Strategic Insights, September 2016
3 *Investment Trends, 2016 Planner Technology Report, Part 1: Industry Trends, based on a survey of 878 financial planners.

Information is current as at 27/02/2017.

More information

Georgie Hay
M: 0404 892 199
