BT Wrap boosts model portfolio capability

2 min read

BT has enhanced its model portfolio offer for dealer groups and advisers with the introduction of bulk linking and rebalancing.

Since launching model portfolios in 2010 BT has been working with dealer groups and advisers to create even greater efficiencies in managing their client portfolios.

Research recently commissioned by BT shows using model portfolios can significantly increase client face-to-face time. In fact, model portfolios were shown to save over 75 hours per annum on regulatory compliance and administration, time that is now spent with their clients.#

Close to seventy per cent of Australian advisers are using model portfolios, the majority of which use them because they increase efficiency and simplify the review process.#

Kelly Power, head of platforms at BT Financial Group said “I am very excited about the continued improvements we are making to BT Wrap and how advisers are embracing them.

We do not take our leading market position for granted, and we are focused on enhancing our platforms; consistently offering market leading service and customer experiences.”

Summary of new capabilities for advisers:

  • Rebalance multiple clients at one time – saving administration time
  • Set limits at a model portfolio level and tailor for individual clients
  • Monitor account requirements for rebalancing using tolerance reporting at the model portfolio level

Summary of new capabilities for dealer groups:

  • Bulk link and rebalance clients to a model portfolio on behalf of the adviser
  • Choose from additional adviser permission levels
  • Monitor and track rebalances
  • Monitor accounts with tolerance reporting

#CoreData, research commissioned by BT Financial Group 

More information

Georgie Hay
M: 0404 892 199
