Product Updates | BT

Notice to investors regarding a change of registry provider and changes to the products impacting BT Investment Funds, BT Classic Investment Funds, BT Investor Choice Funds, and the BT Premium Cash Fund (hereafter referred to as the 'Funds').

We intend to make these changes from 26 August 2024, however the date on which the changes take effect (Effective Date) may be later. If the Effective Date changes to a date that is later than 26 August 2024, we will provide an update at

From the ‘Effective Date’ we intend to appoint an external provider to provide registry and customer servicing functions for the Funds. Registry services include functions such as processing transactions, account statement delivery and account maintenance. When we appoint the new registry services provider, we will also make changes to some of the features and functionality of the Funds, which will change the way investors interact with us and transact on their accounts.

A new, streamlined digital investor experience will be available to investors from the day after the Effective Date, giving investors a greater level of information and reporting. These changes will not affect the value of an Investor's existing unit holdings invested within the Funds and there are no changes to the fees.

In readiness for the changes, we want to make investors aware of some key dates that might impact how they interact with and transact on the Funds.

  • If investors currently see their investment balance in Westpac Online, this will no longer be displayed from 17 August 2024.
  • The existing BT Online investor portal and BT Online New Zealand investor portal will not be accessible from 4pm (Sydney time) on 21 August 2024.
  • From 27 August 2024, investors will have access to the new BT Online investor portal.

Investors are reminded there may be a period before they have received their log in details for the new BT Online investor portal where they won't be able to view their investment holdings online. Investors are advised they can contact BT If they wish to view or transact on their investments before they have received their login details on the contact details below.

Method of contactNew details from the Effective Date
Telephone (from Australia)02 8456 0230 from 8.30am to 5.30pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday.
Telephone (from New Zealand)0800 894 131 from 8.30am to 5.30pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday.
Email – general
Email – transaction
Registry address – to mail instructions or transaction forms BT Funds
GPO Box 804
Melbourne VIC 3001
Website and BT Online investor

Letters have been sent to impacted Investors. A sample of letters by fund type can be viewed below:

Sample letters for Australian investors

Sample letters for New Zealand investors

Other resources to assist investors with the changes:

  • Sample letter to update Direct Debit and Direct Credit for an external nominated bank account.